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JDV-SC no vende autos utilitarios, ni realiza eventos para su comercialización. Este es el sitio oficial de la compañía. Cualquier portal con otros fines, que haga uso de nuestra imagen o marca, es un sitio fraudulento.

We create opportunities for professional development and differentiated career plan,

through comprehensive processes that include the evaluation, identification, development, and retention of Our Excellent Talent, maximizing their potential and passion for their work.


We provide professional development and career planning opportunities through our comprehensive talent assessment, identification, development, and retention process.

We promote the practice and continuous strengthening of exceptional, inspiring, and holistic leadership, as a basic need, which improves the passion of the associates.

Management and performance process:

  • Setting goals
  • Calibration
  • Individual goals business/people

Career development:

  • Career paths
  • Temporary assignments
  • Critical experiences: we enhance and strengthen your professional development beyond your expertise area
  • Equipos de alta colaboración y desempeño

Leadership tools:

  • Mentoring
  • Coaching


Management and performance process:

  • Setting goals
  • Calibration
  • Individual goals business/people


Career development:

  • Career paths
  • Temporary assignments
  • Critical experiences: we enhance and strengthen your professional development beyond your expertise area
  • Equipos de alta colaboración y desempeño


Leadership tools:

  • Mentoring
  • Coaching

Continuous training:

  • We promote the transformation of our associates improving their talent.
  • We develop knowledge, skills and competitions that boost their capabilities, ensuring World Class Talent, producing professionals who grant a legacy in the company, with their family, community and in the professional world.

In addition, to comply with the requirements of the federal government, we provide continuous training in all operation centers in connection with the safety, wellness, and development of associates.

To promote the growth of our talent by being part of Jugos Del Valle-Santa Clara, we have a 70-20-10 learning model. Have you ever heard about it? 



Creamos oportunidades de desarrollo a través de un catálogo de experiencias críticas para potenciar las capacidades de nuestros colaboradores.



Acompañamos y modelamos a nustros futuros líderes a través de programas de Mentoring y Coaching.



Entendemos la necesidad del negocio, la fusionamos con la necesidad individual y brindamos el habilitamiento para potencializar a nuestro talento.