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JDV-SC no vende autos utilitarios, ni realiza eventos para su comercialización. Este es el sitio oficial de la compañía. Cualquier portal con otros fines, que haga uso de nuestra imagen o marca, es un sitio fraudulento.

Be part of our Concessionaire system


· EBITDA higher to the retail market.

· Double-digit annual growths.

· Investment returns from 3 years.

*Indicators obtained with efforts of alignment to standards, commitments, effectiveness in operations and supervision of stores.

Investment model

Require locations from 20 square meters..
Investments per store from us $100,000 DOLLARS..
Search for investors related to the Retail / Food service industry With experience and related businesses.
Concessions available from 10 stores in 24 months.
Operative model developed by Retail and Food Service experts.
Support system to investorts from the election of the site until the day-to-day operations
Require locations from 20 square meters..
Investments per store from us $100,000 DOLLARS..
Search for investors related to the Retail / Food service industry With experience and related businesses.
Concessions available from 10 stores in 24 months.
Operative model developed by Retail and Food Service experts.
Support system to investorts from the election of the site until the day-to-day operations
¡Be part of Santa Clara family!

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