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We have a wide portfolio with options, portions and solutions designed for different lifestyles

with the highest quality and safety, Premium standards and a crafted touch that characterizes Santa Clara. Know them!

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We take care of every detail of the origin and the elaboration of our 100% pure cow's milk, we have an ultra pasteurization process based on steam injection that preseves the natural properties of milk, also giving it that creaminess and flavor that makes us unique and extraordinary.


  • -200 ml: Entera
    -250 ml y 946 ml: Leche Deslactosada + Avena
    -1lt: Entera, Semidescremada, Light, Deslactosada y Deslactosada Light
    - 1.5 lts: Entera y Desalactosada

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  • Santa Clara Leche UHT

We take care of every detail of the origin and the elaboration of our 100% pure cow's milk, we have an ultra pasteurization process based on steam injection that preseves the natural properties of milk, also giving it that creaminess and flavor that makes us unique and extraordinary.


  • -200 ml: Entera
    -250 ml y 946 ml: Leche Deslactosada + Avena
    -1lt: Entera, Semidescremada, Light, Deslactosada y Deslactosada Light
    - 1.5 lts: Entera y Desalactosada

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  • Santa Clara Leche UHT Saborizada

Our 200-250 ml milk carton packages are of the highest quality, as they are made with 100% pure cow's milk, free of artificial colorants and flavorings, with vitamins A and D. Also, their different flavors are inspired by our delicious Santa Clara ice creams, making them unique and delicious.

Presentations and flavors

  • -135 ml: Chocolate, Fresa, Vainilla, y Capuccino.
    -200 ml: Cajeta, Fresa, Natural, Capuccino, Vainilla y Fantasía.
    -250 ml: Fresa, Menta con Chispas, y Triple Chocolate.
    -750 ml: Chocolate y Fresa

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  • Quesos Semi Maduros/ Provolone

With mild smoky flavor and firm consistency when slicing that is enjoyed from the first bite.


  • 500 g y 1 kg

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  • Quesos Maduros /EDAM

With a toucheof nut and butter, accompanied subtile touches of dry fruits. Taste this cheese ideal for the most demanding palates.


  • 500 g y 1 kg

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  • Quesos Maduros/ Morbier

Noted for its mild flavor and delicate balance of acidity, characteristic of our premium line.


  • 500 g y 1 kg

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  • Quesos Maduros/Port Salute

Hecho con leche de vaca  y con una  delicada corteza naranja, que complementan y brindan un sabor suave y delicado a tus platillos.


  • 500 g y 1 kg

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